
For a long time I didn’t really enjoy commissions. There are a few reasons for that and I’ll explain a little about why. The first issue is the subject matter. As you know, I’m a seascape painter. At a push I’ll paint mountains or a pretty landscape. Sometimes people want things I can’t or don’t paint… ‘Could you just stick my dog in the corner?’ or ‘Is it ok if you put the bridal party in the foreground?’. Respectfully, no. I don’t paint people or dogs or the Eiffel Tower. I’d love to, I really would but I’m more likely to make your dog look like a hairy sausage than a beautiful companion. The next reason is pricing. I know people don’t like to talk about money but that’s kind of why I do this art business thing, so I have to price the art you want, and I need to price it fairly. There’s a lot involved in a commission that generally isn’t involved in a painting I do on the spur of the moment. There’s lot of communication and research and messaging and practice. I have to order canvases and then plan and map out the painting. Then there is the time to review it and make sure the client is happy with it, none of which I need to factor in when pleasing myself. And I know that when I tell you the price it’s going to make you pause… I know it. But if I were to use one of the fancy pricing formulas, or even charged a proper hourly rate in my pricing, you’d be even more shocked; art ain’t cheap. The last reason is expectations. Despite my best efforts to ensure that you have none, you will. You’ll imagine the sky a certain way, or the sea, or you’ll expect it to look photographic in it’s realism, or just like a photo you took or like the sky in this reference picture and the sea in that photo. It is impossible for me to match your imagination or a photo. I try to remind people, you like my art for a reason, and any commission that I do for you will be my artist interpretation of what you’re asking for. I can’t paint photographically and you shouldn’t expect it. But give me some space and I’ll capture the best atmosphere I can for you.

That said, there’s something wonderful about commissions. I haven’t had anywhere near as many as usual in the past year, clearly a sign of the times that we live in, and I’m shocked to say that I’ve missed them. They always have such beautiful stories to go with them. Some celebrate lovely places that caught your heart, or a precious moment that you want to look back on. Others remember a person no longer here, or celebrate a live still lived but reaching a memorable age. I love them all equally. I’ve painted beaches and seascapes from most of the continents now, and they grace the walls of homes across the world. There is nothing more heart warming, or more flattering, than being asked to paint something so special, knowing that it will spark a memory every time it is seen; sometimes one of joy, or happiness, sometimes one of commemorance for those that have gone.

So this year I’m focussing on commissions. Let me paint that special place for you. Talk to me about why it means what it means, and help me to understand what it represents to you. Let’s go on a journey together that helps me create something special for you that will last a lifetime. If you have a story that you want captured in a painting, then I might just be the person to do it for you. Get in touch. Let’s talk budgets and sizes and let’s see if I can make your vision a reality. If I can’t then I may be able to point you in the direction of someone that can. Pop me a message for a no obligation chat.

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