Artist interview

I was sent these interview questions recently, and thought you might like to see the answers.

1. What inspired you to take up painting?

To be honest I needed a painting for my sitting room and I could find anything I liked! I rather arrogantly bought a massive canvas and then panicked and realised I may have to do some practice! I still have it now! 

2. What artists influence you and why?

I grew up with impressionists, but I really love the Norwegian impressionist Peder Balke. 

3. What's your favourite medium to work with? 

Well I do so love acrylics because they’re so fast drying. Add I. Some moulding paste to give texture and I’m a happy lady. 

4. What time of day do you find you're most creative? 

Hmm it depends on my mood rather than being a creature of habit. I paint when I feel I need to get emotions out. 

5. On average how long does it take you to create a piece from conception to completion?  

That very much depends on the piece. Commissions take longer because they are usually more photographic or can be quite specific. One of my big pieces usually takes a week of planning, drawing and painting. 

6. Do you create from memory, images etc? Again, this depends. I use a lot of photographs but usually change busy of the composition or the weather. 

7. When you are commissioned to do a piece what information/imagery do you find helpful?  

I love to hear memories of a place as well as see photos. I find it really helps me capture the atmosphere. But most importantly I need a sense of what weather the person wants- how wild I can make the painting! 

8. If commissioned how long do you need?  

I can push a piece out in a week but I usually prefer a few weeks notice. And I have to plan my time for commissions vs gallery work/ painting for fun. Oh, and kids and life and my full time job! 

9. When did you realise you had a talent? 

Have I? I’m still not always convinced. I suffer spectacularly from imposter syndrome. 

10. Is there anything you'd really like to achieve or diversify to as an artist (i.e. book illustration etc. as an example).

Honestly I’d just love to paint full time. To give up the day job is just the dream 😍

Lindsay Dudley